When I was young I loved Elvis and Johnny from Emergency 51. I mean LOVED them.

Buckets of tears were shed when Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977. I believe it was my first real loss that I experienced. My favorite thing were these little earrings with photos of Elvis in his famous jumpsuit, they were cherished and I wish I still had them but they were lost a long time ago. I wanted so badly to go to Graceland and I remember my dad driving by after a visit to Memphis and staring at the gates as we drove by. I also remember being mad for years that we didn’t go in. I mean I made it that far I wanted to see the King! It wasn’t until years later that I realized you can’t just drive up and say I’m here! Doesn’t work that way.

It took me 40 years but in 2020 during a viral pandemic, I made it. And it was worth……every……single…..moment……It was amazing!
Signs during the pandemic reminding people to stay either 6 teddy bears, 2 guitars or 1 Elvis away from others
Entering the gates of Graceland on the tour bus was like traveling back in time. The grounds, the facade of the house are exactly like a time capsule waiting with its glorious bougie feel.

A castle fit for a king. The peacock stained glass was a favorite of mine from the tour. Elvis was fond of changing out the decor in his house, one can only imagine him sitting at that white piano as guests reclined on the white furniture.

Elvis’ grandmother Minnie lived at Graceland until her passing in 1980. Her room is the only bedroom downstairs and also the only bedroom visible on the tour. Can we talk about this Wallpaper in her bathroom? I seriously want this wallpaper…………….
The entry way Chandelier and the staircase leading to the upstairs bedrooms which are not a part of the tour. The only people allowed upstairs are Priscilla, Lisa Marie and the head housekeeper but only with their permission. Everything has been left exactly like it was the day Elvis died. There are no known photographs of the upstairs rooms.

The Dining room. Elvis was a fanatic when it came to technology and the latest tv model was always nearby. There was a button at Elvis’ seat that with one press the kitchen staff would be ready with all of his favorite meals at any given time. To this day Lisa Marie celebrates thanksgiving every year at this table with her family.

The kitchen staff was always on hand 24 hours a day to keep up with Elvis and his late night parties. Meatloaf and Banana Pudding were always ready to go as they were usually on demand by the king himself.

If Elvis were alive today in the age of cell phones, iPads and computers he would have been in his glory. In his tv room, state of the art (at the time) sound equipment with three tvs tuned into each of the 3 major broadcasts (now is the time for all of us who remembers to tell the kids there used to be only 3 tv stations and that Lawrence Welk seemed to be on every, single channel) With a swanky bar, a control center and bumble bee yellow for days.

The billiards room is my favorite room in the house. I mean Holy Pleats Batman! Yards and yards upon yards of fabric pleating the ceiling and covering the walls. Even if its not everyones idea of decor you have to admire the amount of work that went into this. Also how much fun it would be to keep clean, only rich people who don’t have to clean would have decor like this.

The jungle room that became famous for late night jam sessions. It was actually my least favorite room in the house because I thought it was tacky. I know right? In this house? Tacky? Anyway, the jungle room in its glory.

The grounds. Graceland had a huge lawn and Elvis was infamous for driving golf carts around at all hours day and night. With a pasture for his beloved horses, plenty of room for Lisa Marie to run around, converted barns into Vernon’s offices and even his wedding reception when he married Priscilla is now a museum that houses memorabilia including their wedding attire.

Just a few highlights from the museum
The recording studio and racquetball court. Elvis would often stop a match just to sit at the piano and sing, most likely a gospel hymn. This is what he was doing to night before he passed away at Graceland on August 16, 1977. With the acoustics in the room one can only imagine what the sound of his voice was like.

The pool outside of Graceland borders the meditation garden that Elvis had put in so he could sit and reflect. It would become his final resting place. His mother, father, grandmother and grandson are buried with him in the garden.

Looking for jumpsuits? Elvis is just too big for one blog. Look for another blog highlight Elvis Presley’s fashions over the years.